Signing Utilities
As rustBoot supports 2 types of firmware image formats, depending on the underlying device i.e. either an
a simple 256-byte firmware image format for microcontrollers or afit-image:
the flattened-image-tree format for systems capable of booting linux.
rustBoot rbsigner
utility can produce 2 different types signed images.
Signing mcu-images:
To sign a mcu-image, rustBoot's image signing utility takes 3 inputs
- an unsigned mcu-image.
- a raw signing-key or ecdsa private key.
- the ecdsa curve-type - (nistp256 only for now).
There are 2 ways to sign a mcu-image
- First we build the image and then sign it using the following commands.
cargo [board-name] build pkgs-for
cargo [board-name] sign pkgs-for [boot-version] [update-version]
Note : Here stm32f411 is used as example board for signing.
command : cargo stm32f411 build pkgs-for
yashwanthsingh@Yashwanths-MBP rustBoot % cargo stm32f411 build pkgs-for
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.05s
Running `target/debug/xtask stm32f411 build pkgs-for`
$ cargo build --release
warning: unused config key `build.runner` in `/Users/yashwanthsingh/Yash/Projects/git_rustBoot_mcusigner/rustBoot/boards/firmware/stm32f411/boot_fw_blinky_green/.cargo/config.toml`
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.08s
$ cargo build --release
warning: unused config key `build.runner` in `/Users/yashwanthsingh/Yash/Projects/git_rustBoot_mcusigner/rustBoot/boards/firmware/stm32f411/updt_fw_blinky_red/.cargo/config.toml`
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.08s
$ cargo build --release
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.07s
command : cargo stm32f411 sign pkgs-for 1234 1235
yashwanthsingh@Yashwanths-MBP rustBoot % cargo stm32f411 sign pkgs-for 1234 1235
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.05s
Running `target/debug/xtask stm32f411 sign pkgs-for 1234 1235`
$ rust-objcopy -I elf32-littlearm ../../target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/release/stm32f411_bootfw -O binary stm32f411_bootfw.bin
$ rust-objcopy -I elf32-littlearm ../../target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/release/stm32f411_updtfw -O binary stm32f411_updtfw.bin
$ cargo run mcu-image ../boards/sign_images/signed_images/stm32f411_bootfw.bin nistp256 ../boards/sign_images/keygen/ecc256.der 1234
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.05s
Running `/Users/yashwanthsingh/Yash/Projects/git_rustBoot_mcusigner/rustBoot/target/debug/rbsigner mcu-image ../boards/sign_images/signed_images/stm32f411_bootfw.bin nistp256 ../boards/sign_images/keygen/ecc256.der 1234`
Update type: Firmware
Curve type: nistp256
Input image: stm32f411_bootfw.bin
Public key: ecc256.der
Image version: 1234
Output image: stm32f411_bootfw_v1234_signed.bin
Calculating sha256 digest...
Signing the firmware...
Output image successfully created with 1908 bytes.
$ cargo run mcu-image ../boards/sign_images/signed_images/stm32f411_updtfw.bin nistp256 ../boards/sign_images/keygen/ecc256.der 1235
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.05s
Running `/Users/yashwanthsingh/Yash/Projects/git_rustBoot_mcusigner/rustBoot/target/debug/rbsigner mcu-image ../boards/sign_images/signed_images/stm32f411_updtfw.bin nistp256 ../boards/sign_images/keygen/ecc256.der 1235`
Update type: Firmware
Curve type: nistp256
Input image: stm32f411_updtfw.bin
Public key: ecc256.der
Image version: 1235
Output image: stm32f411_updtfw_v1235_signed.bin
Calculating sha256 digest...
Signing the firmware...
Output image successfully created with 1996 bytes.
- Single command to build ,sign and flash.
cargo [board-name] build-sign-flash rustBoot [boot-ver] [updt-ver]
output :
command : cargo stm32f411 build-sign-flash rustBoot 1234 1235
yashwanthsingh@Yashwanths-MacBook-Pro rustBoot % cargo stm32f411 build-sign-flash rustBoot 1234 1235
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.07s
Running `target/debug/xtask stm32f411 build-sign-flash rustBoot 1234 1235`
$ cargo build --release
warning: unused config key `build.runner` in `/Users/yashwanthsingh/Yash/Projects/git_rustBoot_mcusigner/rustBoot/boards/firmware/stm32f411/boot_fw_blinky_green/.cargo/config.toml`
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.10s
$ cargo build --release
warning: unused config key `build.runner` in `/Users/yashwanthsingh/Yash/Projects/git_rustBoot_mcusigner/rustBoot/boards/firmware/stm32f411/updt_fw_blinky_red/.cargo/config.toml`
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.10s
$ cargo build --release
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.11s
$ rust-objcopy -I elf32-littlearm ../../target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/release/stm32f411_bootfw -O binary stm32f411_bootfw.bin
$ rust-objcopy -I elf32-littlearm ../../target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/release/stm32f411_updtfw -O binary stm32f411_updtfw.bin
$ cargo run mcu-image ../boards/sign_images/signed_images/stm32f411_bootfw.bin nistp256 ../boards/sign_images/keygen/ecc256.der 1234
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.06s
Running `/Users/yashwanthsingh/Yash/Projects/git_rustBoot_mcusigner/rustBoot/target/debug/rbsigner mcu-image ../boards/sign_images/signed_images/stm32f411_bootfw.bin nistp256 ../boards/sign_images/keygen/ecc256.der 1234`
Update type: Firmware
Curve type: nistp256
Input image: stm32f411_bootfw.bin
Public key: ecc256.der
Image version: 1234
Output image: stm32f411_bootfw_v1234_signed.bin
Calculating sha256 digest...
Signing the firmware...
Output image successfully created with 1908 bytes.
$ cargo run mcu-image ../boards/sign_images/signed_images/stm32f411_updtfw.bin nistp256 ../boards/sign_images/keygen/ecc256.der 1235
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.10s
Running `/Users/yashwanthsingh/Yash/Projects/git_rustBoot_mcusigner/rustBoot/target/debug/rbsigner mcu-image ../boards/sign_images/signed_images/stm32f411_updtfw.bin nistp256 ../boards/sign_images/keygen/ecc256.der 1235`
Update type: Firmware
Curve type: nistp256
Input image: stm32f411_updtfw.bin
Public key: ecc256.der
Image version: 1235
Output image: stm32f411_updtfw_v1235_signed.bin
Calculating sha256 digest...
Signing the firmware...
Output image successfully created with 1996 bytes.
$ probe-rs-cli erase --chip stm32f411vetx
$ probe-rs-cli download --format Bin --base-address 0x8020000 --chip stm32f411vetx stm32f411_bootfw_v1234_signed.bin
Erasing sectors ✔ [00:00:01] [############################] 128.00KiB/128.00KiB @ 65.02KiB/s (eta 0s )
Programming pages ✔ [00:00:00] [##############################] 2.00KiB/ 2.00KiB @ 677B/s (eta 0s )
Finished in 2.057s
$ probe-rs-cli download --format Bin --base-address 0x8040000 --chip stm32f411vetx stm32f411_updtfw_v1235_signed.bin
Erasing sectors ✔ [00:00:01] [############################] 128.00KiB/128.00KiB @ 65.15KiB/s (eta 0s )
Programming pages ✔ [00:00:00] [##############################] 2.00KiB/ 2.00KiB @ 679B/s (eta 0s )
Finished in 2.052s
$ cargo flash --chip stm32f411vetx --release
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.08s
Flashing /Users/yashwanthsingh/Yash/Projects/git_rustBoot_mcusigner/rustBoot/boards/target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/release/stm32f411
Erasing sectors ✔ [00:00:01] [##############################] 48.00KiB/48.00KiB @ 40.79KiB/s (eta 0s )
Programming pages ✔ [00:00:01] [##############################] 43.00KiB/43.00KiB @ 17.31KiB/s (eta 0s )
Finished in 2.267s
yashwanthsingh@Yashwanths-MacBook-Pro rustBoot %
Signing fit-images:
To sign a fit-image, rustBoot's image signing utility takes 3 inputs
- an unsigned fit-image in the above format
- a raw signing-key or ecdsa private key
- the ecdsa curve-type - (nistp256 only for now).
Simply run the following command from root directory of the rustBoot project.
cargo run ../boards/bootloaders/rpi4/apertis/rpi4-test-apertis.itb ../boards/rbSigner/keygen/ecc256.der nistp256
In the above example:
is the path to my fit-image../boards/rbSigner/keygen/ecc256.der
is the path to mytest
is the type ecdsa curve I'd like to use. Its the only one supported for now.
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.04s
Running `/Users/nihal.pasham/devspace/rust/projects/prod/rustBoot/target/debug/rbsigner ../boards/bootloaders/rpi4/apertis/rpi4-test-apertis.itb ../boards/rbSigner/keygen/ecc256.der nistp256`
signature: ecdsa::Signature<NistP256>([64, 147, 93, 99, 241, 5, 118, 167, 156, 150, 203, 234, 74, 207, 182, 243, 129, 143, 38, 2, 107, 85, 114, 145, 178, 163, 33, 153, 2, 100, 0, 114, 135, 18, 174, 183, 194, 110, 24, 186, 33, 36, 39, 105, 116, 74, 8, 118, 171, 237, 30, 108, 64, 205, 206, 14, 110, 226, 43, 143, 180, 193, 19, 33])
bytes_written: 62202019
In the above example, the signed fit-image
will be stored at the following path - ../boards/bootloaders/rpi4/apertis/signed-rpi4-apertis.itb