Build & Flash
This section will detail the steps involved in building and flashing rustBoot
onto a specific board. More precisely, it will cover the following topics.
- Partitioning:
- rustBoot offers 2 different partitioning schemes, depending on the target device
- Building:
- a rustBoot build usually involves
- compiling firmware i.e. boot and update firmware.
- signing the compiled firmware. We have 2 different signing schemes, depending on the target device.
- compiling rustBoot i.e. the bootloader
- a rustBoot build usually involves
- Programming:
- After building the required artefacts, the next step is to program the board's non-volatile storage memory.
- Again, depending on the target device, we employ different loading/programming strategies.
- mcu(s): typically, rustBoot will use the
utility for programming (and debugging). - sbc(s): this will depending the on type of single-board computer. For example: the raspberry-pi uses a sd card for storage and booting.
- mcu(s): typically, rustBoot will use the
- Verifying:
- To verify that everything works as expected, rustBoot outputs boot-logs.
- mcu(s): we use a combination of boot-logs and blinking-leds to verify that
secure boot and update
works as expected. For specifics, please refer to theusage
page for the board. - sbc(s): rustBoot simply outputs logs to a UART-terminal. For specifics, please refer to
page for the board.
- mcu(s): we use a combination of boot-logs and blinking-leds to verify that
- Among other things, rustBoot logs will indicate
- To verify that everything works as expected, rustBoot outputs boot-logs.
Note: drivers for peripherals such as flash-memory, uart, gpio etc. are included for each board.